Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Installing MyDNS under Ubuntu 9.04

I want to try running MyDNS on my new server - a DNS server with its data in a MySQL database.

At first I started getting MyDNS, but it seems like the latest release is called MyDNS NG, at

There seems to be no package for Ubuntu 9.04.

I downloaded the source from
I needed to install gcc: apt-get install gcc
I needed to install a mysql client library: apt-get install mysql-client
Also needed: apt-get install make libmysqlclient15-dev
I unpacked the source, and could now run ./configure successfully

Basically followed instructions at:

(make, make install, create startup script, sudo update-rc.d mydns defaults)

downloaded MyDNSConfig from

sudo apt-get install php5-cli vlogger

Hm, mydnsconfig doesn't seem to work 100% (Doesn't show DNS rules), will not use it for now.

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